718-428-2471 Pearlbud7@aol.com
July 2022

July 2022

Celebrate “Goodness”

Goodness Gracious
What a gift and blessing we all have to
celebrate the loving presence of God in our life.
Goodness is there everyday and it teaches us to…
…be just
…trust more
…always have hope
…be full of compassion and mercy
…listen better
…share simply
…give up being selfish
…love more

Goodness Gracious…Gracious Goodness

We can all choose to “be loving goodness”
We can make the world a better and good place
to live in and care about each other.

Goodness Gracious …Gracious Goodness

Celebrate with God’s Grace …
…uplift one another’s spirits
…encourage peace in one heart each day
…sow hope wherever you go
…create harmony by being “extra” kind
…be inspired by the goodness of others in ordinary ways

Goodness Gracious …Gracious Goodness
This month…weave a path of “Goodness” in
every encounter with God’s love. Amen.

June 2022

June 2022

June… a New Season… Summertime
A time to have some leisure moments
A time to enjoy the gifts of nature
A time to have some sacred prayerful moments
A time to share with friends and family
A time to read an extra book

Summer… more sunshine
Extra hours of light

Let’s use this sunshine time to be Joyful Persons
You don’t have to be perfect
…Be human
…Be encouraging
…Be responsible
…Be gracious

Pray lots in small doses
Be intentional in sharing kindness
Develop good friendships
Be a wonderful listener

Be a caring light for others
Remember… everyone matters

Get up everyday… greet the morning light with renewed hope
Say a good word that transforms discord into harmony

Sit on a porch or in backyard
Reflect on Summer time as God’s visit in your heart