Ministry is not something done “for people” as much as something done “with people.” Go out into the darkness, and put your hand into the hand of God and trust greatly! One day you will realize that being gentle like Jesus is actually a sign of holy courage. It’s more important to be compassionate than successful. The best ministry begins where Faith and Life meet in Heart Prayer.

Parish Retreats
- Sacramental Presentations for Parents
- Rosary Society Presentation
- Parish Prayer Group Presentations
- Women’s Groups
- Advent/Lent Programs
- Parish Ministry Retreats
- Confirmation Retreat
- Holy Name Society
- RCIA Retreat

School Retreats
- School Retreats: Grade Levels
- Faculty Retreats/CCD Retreats
- Graduation Retreat
- High School Presentations

Youth Retreats
- Young Adult/Youth Groups

Other Retreats
- At Home Retreats
- Special Retreats