718-428-2471 Pearlbud7@aol.com

The Sacred Journey

The Sacred Journey

Take a moment to follow this link to a wonderful Asian brush painting – enjoy the painting as long as you like…


We are all on the journey called “Life”!  As you reflect on this Asian Brush painting, you may notice that there is darkness and light, mountains and valleys, twists and turns, a bridge to cross over, and hidden places to stop and rest.  If you look closely, you may even see paths of your own personal journey and recall the persons in your life who have been there to encourage, inspire and support you in times of both joy and sorrow.  If you wish, sit quietly with the painting and reflect on “What path am I on now in my life journey”, and know that you are not alone.  As Paula D’Arcy has said:  “God comes to us disguised as our life”.

“Sunrise Serenade”

Asian Brush Painting by Sister Mary Anna Euring, OP


Surrounded by such beauty in the Canadian Rockies, all I could say was “Thank You!”, and years later, paint it from memory. Each day, no matter where we are, or what we may be dealing with in our lives, we are surrounded by beauty. During November, a month of remembrance and thanksgiving, I invite you to see, really see, the beauty in your life, the beauty of others, the beauty of our earth, the beauty of YOU, and be filled with gratefulness.

You may want to visit Brother David Steindl-Rast’s website which has deepened my sense of gratitude and wonder: www.gratefulness.org (especially his video “A Good Day”)!

Faith makes all things possible
Hope makes all things bright
Love makes all things easy

Let Jesus be in your heart
Eternity in your spirit
The world under your feet

The will of God in your actions
And…Let the love of God shine forth from you

Imagine a “Lighted ” candle for every time you’ve listened, cared, forgiven, laughed, hoped, helped, comforted or put someone else before yourself.

Imagine this “lighted ” candle for every quiet, hidden, unassuming and very compassionate extra tablespoon of love you have given to others.

Every time you made a small, but meaningful difference in someone else’s life this small lighted candle becomes a deep, wonderful and forever Light of Peace and helps to make the world so much warmer and peace filled.

Take your candle wherever you go….leave it lit in someone’s heart.

Lent…..a time to be still…..and hold your heart with a Faithfilled-Prayer.

Lent…..a time to be still…..and hold your heart with a Faithfilled-Prayer.

Lent…..a time to be still…..and hold your heart with a Faithfilled-Prayer.

A Time to share our Faith in word, deed and example as a loving and dedicated Christian. Time to pray quietly, offer prayer with others and outstretched hearts of love to one another…those in need and those who knock on our hearts with challenges and wonderful happiness…to be the Light of Jesus’ Love…here and now is truly a Blessing.

Special Reflection:        1 Corinthians 13:1-7,  1 John 4:7-12

Heart~Prayer Sharing:
What is better…to give up candy or to give kindness, hope and understanding

What is better.. to give up….an attitude of indifference or a harmful word

What is better…..to spend time thinking good thoughts

What is better….to just do, say and be…the goodness in life