718-428-2471 Pearlbud7@aol.com

Lent…..a time to be still…..and hold your heart with a Faithfilled-Prayer.

A Time to share our Faith in word, deed and example as a loving and dedicated Christian. Time to pray quietly, offer prayer with others and outstretched hearts of love to one another…those in need and those who knock on our hearts with challenges and wonderful happiness…to be the Light of Jesus’ Love…here and now is truly a Blessing.

Special Reflection:        1 Corinthians 13:1-7,  1 John 4:7-12

Heart~Prayer Sharing:
What is better…to give up candy or to give kindness, hope and understanding

What is better.. to give up….an attitude of indifference or a harmful word

What is better…..to spend time thinking good thoughts

What is better….to just do, say and be…the goodness in life