718-428-2471 Pearlbud7@aol.com

Arthur Mirell Documentary

Sister Ave Clark, O.P.
James Palmaro
Peg Franco
Susan Schwemmer
Mary Morris
Father Mike Tedone
Celeste Grillo & Nina Siggia

Ana Sencion


Special Assistants:
Ralph Iskaros
Roseann Maggio
Susan Schwemmer
Sister Mary Stiefvater, DW

July 2024

July 2024

We are reminded early in July on July 4th to Celebrate the Spirit of America. Let’s celebrate with…
…better understanding

Let’s celebrate the month of July with caring for one another…
…by being extra kind
…accepting differences with respect
…being responsible stewards of the earth

Let’s celebrate with a prayer in our heart and spirit.
Take time on these warm July Summer days to reflect on the gifts of America…
As We The People …
…establish justice for all
…insure domestic tranquility
…provide for the common good
…promote general welfare
…secure the Blessings of Peace for ourselves and our posterity.

What a wonderful way to share our mission of being an American by being “a people”.
To be “a people” (Pope Francis) means our family of earth is united by human solidarity. This unity is born of “closeness” to God in our daily encounters.

What a blessing to be an American “people” …a variety of cultures, colors, beliefs and dreams.

We are “a people” given dignity by God.

Share this blessing especially especially during this July 2021

Become the Blessing of Love
accept one another…
as a brother, as a sister…
one heart united under God.