718-428-2471 Pearlbud7@aol.com
March 2023

March 2023

March brings many wonderful moments
Lent in full bloom… with sacred prayer moments
Spring time arrives… with a change of season
Daylight Savings Time… brings more sunlight to each day
St. Patrick’s Day… a parade of joy
And… a journey to the Easter Season

March is a month of many moments.
Each a treasure of life from God.
We might just say that every day
has God-moments.
These are moments when God’s presence,
plan and love are revealed.
And usually …even the ordinary of life
has moments to treasure.
We call them gifts, blessings and graces galore.
Everything in life is of God…
…a neighbor waving
…a friend sends a card
…someone brings in your garbage cans
…the sunset shining on a bud on your driveway
…prayers offered to comfort or give thanks

Add some of your own moments to this list.
“All things were made by him, and nothing was made without him.” – John 1:3