718-428-2471 Pearlbud7@aol.com
Mary Blessed Among Women

Mary Blessed Among Women

Of all the extraordinary women in Scripture, one stands out above all others as the most blessed, most highly favored by God.  Indeed, no woman is more truly remarkable than Mary.

I was drawn to this style of painting, Mexican Folk Art, because of its old-world charm and irregularity, The rough-hewn brush strokes touched my heart and reminded me of my own imperfections.

Mary didn’t give one thought if her own flaws when the Angel Gabriel entered her home and said,”You are favored by the Lord.  The Lord is with you.”  There was no second guessing about her opinion of herself. She accepted with an open heart the Love of God upon her.  She didn’t grasp, at first,  any of what the Angel announced because of her innocence.  However, once explained, she said “YES”.   Mary … trusted and surrendered.  Her faith exemplifies Hebrews 11:1-2, “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for.”

When God calls upon you, will you say yes without complete understanding?  Will you question your own ability, doubting that God knows what He’s doing in your life?  Mary, a beautiful example of obedience, faith and unbridled trust. She praised, not doubted, lifting her voice and honoring God “my soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.” Luke 1:46-47.

Painting and Meditation by Susan Pussilano

Day of Prayer for Peace

Peace Prayer Lunch April 7, 2018 with presentations about being witnesses of peace given by Sr. Ave and Fr. Bob Lauder.

Spring Awakening and Lotus Peace

Please enjoy these two paintings by Sr. Mary Anna Euring, O.P.

The novelist Dostoevsky tells us that “The world will be saved by beauty”.  This prophetic statement inspired Pope John Paul II in his “Letter to Artists” to suggest that when humanity is challenged (as it is today), BEAUTY and WONDER can draw it forward. As Spring bursts forth around us through sight, sound, smell and touch, may we be deeply aware of the beauty that surrounds us, and know that we, individually and collectively, can save our world.

Sister Mary Anna Euring, OP